Ever present Never alone

1 Corinthians 3:11  When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

For the last 6 years my husband and I have taught our son many different things from how to walk to how to pray the scriptures. We have watched as he has mastered and articulated many of these skills and life lessons taught to him. During this process there were times when we would be right there with him talking him through every step of the way. There were also times where we led by example and demonstrated before him. We would be very intentional with reminding him why and why not, along with answering any questions he would ask. In return we would ask random questions to see if he understood and remembered what he had been taught.

Recently, we have been putting him to the test to see if he not just listened, not just knew the correct things to say, not just did what was right because we were around, but we wanted to see if he would continue to follow through even in our absence. We inquired if he would make the right decision, not just a good decision, but the right decision without our counsel. Maybe some of you can relate to the moment when you were given and trusted with a key to your childhood home. These memorable words can still be recalled, “If you lose this key; you’re not getting another one.” Can we agree that it was only a test of maturity to see if we were ready to be trusted with more.

During these moments with our child I am usually quietly observing from a distance where my presence can't be seen or heard. I remain in a stealth posture until he has completed the task at hand. Even then sometimes our response differs depending on the situation. At times we will applaud and offer loud praise and celebrate his actions. While other times a smile of gratitude is sufficient, however the need to redirect and discuss his actions are necessary.

My husband has this thing where he will buy our son gifts and store them away until the time is perfect. My son has no idea that he has gifts in his home that belong to him that are waiting for him to receive. This is beautiful when we are the one in control and testing others, but what about when we are the one being tested.

Recently I experienced a few days where I felt like God was silent and I couldn’t feel his presence like I normally would. I began to do all the things I thought necessary to do such as consecrate, increase my prayer time and frequency, repent and fast and one early morning during my prayer and devotion time I experienced random thoughts of condemnation. Immediately I said out loud, oh no that’s not of The Lord. Where is this coming from? James 4:7 come to mind, Submit yourself therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. I began to speak out Lord how I had been forgiven. I begin to praise God for his mighty works and I could feel a lifting and the next thing I confessed was; Father, I don’t care how I feel or what thoughts may try to convince me otherwise I believe your word! The Bible says you will never leave me nor forsake me. Worship began to flow from my lips coupled with biblical truths.

At that moment I understood what the writer meant when he pinned," “Blessed Assurance.” Here’s the caveat the way I felt didn’t change. What I knew and set my sight on did! For the next few days I woke up with the mindset that my Heavenly Father is present with me today and I went after Him. I pursued Him. I pressed in prayer, and in prayer I sensed I had passed the test. My mindset changed based on what He has taught me in and through His Living Word!

God is ever present, therefore you are not alone. Even when you don’t hear him or feel him pass the test, and KNOW that he’s with you always even until the end of the age.


When the Teacher becomes the Student.


Broken Crayons Still color!