Broken Crayons Still color!

I can remember when my now 4 year old son would break his crayon’s, boy did he put up a fuss. I would try to console him by saying, “it’s okay,” but he would combat me strongly by responding, “NO, It’s not okay.” The way he felt in that moment many of us can agree with. When we feel broken or that things are going wrong and seem broken in our lives, we think NO, this is NOT okay. Allow me to share with you why my son no longer gets upset when he breaks his crayons now. I have shown him that even though his crayons were broken they still colored.

Even as adults, we tend to feel like we are not worthy enough, or we aren’t adequate enough, or that our mess, baggage, or past has labeled us. We don’t even realized it but we have labeled ourselves with names just like the colors on the crayon in the box. Some of our labels look like worthlessness, poor, useless, alcoholic, addict, teenage mother, homosexual, Molested, Molester, etc. Please allow me to remind you that there are only 3 primary colors. We have secondary colors due to the blending of the primary colors, in other words because of bleeding colors.

Yes, you are broken and you bleed. Yes ,you broke others and they bleed. I have a question for you. What will you do with your brokenness? Have you even realized that you can still color? What looked like a broken mess have now become multiplied. The crayon that was once one is now two pieces, which indicate that there is another way out or another side. You now have the ability to rewrite things and have another story. It’s not over, and It’s not too late! Now that you have two pieces of the same crayon lets do what most children do and tear off all the paper off the crayon.

Tearing off the labels! So much can be said here, but the main thing is pulling off the label indicate and set the tone for a new beginning or a fresh start. Remove all the labels and just free color. Taking the wrap off also expose the crayons, its flaws and all, yet it still color with brilliance. Though it is expose it still have the ability to color and create. Exposure brings heat! Yes, sometimes it’s tough facing the truth, but it is necessary.

Heat isn’t always bad. In this case heat can be a mending agent for crayons. Applying heat to both ends of the broken crayon then placing them together mends the break and before your eyes you are now holding a whole crayon that was once broken. This is when you realize you always had the ability to create a masterpiece. Why? Because you are the masterpiece! You have always been a masterpiece you was just broken. Now you have the tools. It doesn’t matter what stage you’re in just don’t forget to color! You have a blank canvas in front of you now create.

You may have been broken masterpiece, you can still color!


Ever present Never alone
